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Who I help & how

Amanda Atkin of Atkinspire Ltd working with CCG & CSU healthcare trusts throughout the UK


A large Commissioning Support Unit


As a senior member of an integrated matrix team, I played a key role in contract performance covering a portfolio of contracts commissioned by a large number of CCG’s providing services such as mental health, nursing and residential care homes, community services, community equipment services, GP, optometry and pharmacy contracts and associated processes to ensure consistency with national policy, local need and integration into the wider commissioning and service development strategies.

With my excellent communication and interpersonal skills, gained from experience across the healthcare sector, I developed strong provider relationship management through regular feedback, joint objective setting and continuous improvement.


An NHS Clinical Commissioning Group


As the interim contract lead I was responsible for managing a portfolio of contracts which included a large community contract covering mental health, learning disabilities, adult community services and maternity and children’s services.


I used my skills and experience to negotiate, interpret and monitor contracts, including variations, schedules and service level agreements (SLAs).

By skilfully reviewing management reports on all contractual SLAs, I identified areas of high financial risk for the CCG and advised and recommended how these could be mitigated.


Developing and maintaining excellent relationships with all stakeholders was critical to my role and to the success of the project. I used highly developed negotiating and influencing skills in order to secure optimum service levels from limited resources, working in circumstances where there may be resistance to change.


Another large Commissioning Support Unit

I worked as Interim Contract Management Locality Lead with a specific responsibility for mental health. By my implementing an effective strategy for delivering the contract management function and ensuring effective use of resources and people, successful outcomes were delivered consistently and associated risks managed.

I managed the relevant metrics associated with contracts including activity, cost, quality, outcomes and patient experience – resulting in a high level of performance. In addition, I provided valuable support to clinical commissioners in service redesign resulting from my identifying opportunities for change as well as transformation and ongoing sustainability planning.

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